Post by DCYTV Admin on Nov 30, 2012 13:22:45 GMT
What has become known as the Infinite Crisis was a year ago. In its aftermath, the Multiverse that was created as a result of the events collapsed back together, combining to form one New Earth. However, one single universe was simply too small to contain the energy within it, splitting into 52 universes. Initially, these universes were identical, but after Rip Hunter and Booster Gold battled the incredibly powerful Mr. Mind, these universes changed in various degrees, creating the current Multiverse. One of these universes is this one. With a few differences, it is nonetheless very similar to the one known as "New Earth". Now, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman have all recently returned from their year-long absence and have resumed their positions as heroes in THE DCYOUTUBEVERSERules | Character Rules | Character Creation Template | Concerning Canon | Graphics Guidelines | Advertising & Affiliates"The DCYouTubeVerse" is a DC Comics-based RP site set after the events of "52" (along with a few changes), but with a few key differences (and a few not-so key ones)! Read more: thedcyoutubeverse.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=rulesinfoannouncements&thread=57&page=1#ixzz2DiCUnGzB